Friday, May 28, 2010

oh shit.

i am a laxative addict.
i do not need them to poo.
oh no, i am a vegetarian...pooing is never a problem.
it's the control, and the small decrease i see on the scale that keeps me popping the pills.
there is probably something to be said about needing to punish myself for food i eat, or sins i've committed, or whatever...

anyway, that's for another time.

so i'd been stashing some in my gym bag.
the bag that used to be my teenage daughter's book bag.
that she decided to use again for school.


she found my stash.
she had a fit.
because her school has a drug snifing dog on campus every single day.
if they get caught with so much as a Motrin, it's an automatic suspension.

that was yesterday.
guess who came thru her PE locker room today?
you guessed it.

i just dodged a bullet on that one.
can you imagine??

i am a terrible mother.


  1. I don't think that makes you a terrible mother

    have you ever seen the show weeds? the mother sneaks chocolate laxatives into her daughter's candy stash because she thinks her daughter needs to lose weight - now that's a terrible mom

  2. yes.. weeds mom takes the cake on the lax mistake!! :)

  3. My friend gives her two year old skim milk because she thinks she is fat, that is a bad mom . Buy a monogrammed workout bag that is only yours ;-)
